Sunday, March 2, 2008

it's a BEAUTIFUL day! :o)

you know .... that u2 song .... yeah, that one! i wish i had it blaring in the background as you read this! it truly is a beautiful day!! light breeze, sunny blue sky with not a cloud in sight, (toilet paper draping from the weeping willow in our front yard, which is starting to show signs of spring growth ..... um, yeah! i'll get to that in a minute!) anyway, its basically a picture perfect day! we've inhaled lots of fresh air today! and obviously pollen too because i feel covered in pollen. isn't it a little early for the showers of yellow?

so, back to the weeping willow with tp .... around midnight last night i woke to the sound of what i thought, no, actually knew, was our doorbell. frantic, i shake geoff and say, "honey! honey! wake up! someone just rang our doorbell!" he replies, " are you sure?" i say, "yes. positive". he looks at me, i look at him (like a frozen eskimo because i'm so scared) and he obviously thinks not too much about it and dozes off to sleep. i shake him again and ask him, "what should we do?" to which he replies, "do you want me to go down there?" most people would probably say yes. i said no! i didn't want someone to get him. remember, one of my "random" things was i get spooked easily. well, in my defense, i was told of a breaking and entering incident that happened one neighborhood over just a few weeks ago that has left me thinking, since hearing about it, "that was a little too close to home"! the incident i'm speaking of started the same way, with a ring of the doorbell, then progressed to an all out beating on the door, to breaking the glass on the door to reaching in and unlocking the door to entering the house, and on and on and on. without going into all the details, it was a pretty scary situation - one that i'd never, ever, ever care to be a part of. so with that being said, i'm thinking, " oh no! we are those people. we're about to go through everything they went through that night." one other thing i mentioned on my list was that i over analyze things, and of course, last night was no different. i will save the details of my analysis, otherwise yall might think i'm some crazy person! geoff wasn't too bothered (until he told me this morning he was a "little" spooked by the whole thing too), but i was still freaking out. i always sleep with a fan on for noise - well, i turned that off - i wanted to be able to hear everything. i kept the tv on (muted), and i slept with the lamp on that's on my thought pattern being the more light, the better. i woke up off and on from 1:30am (when i finally fell asleep) until 4:45 when geoff got up to go downstairs. i guess it finally got the best of him (lol!) i heard the door open and close and then open back up about 10 minutes later. he comes upstairs with the verdict .....we've been ROLLED!! ....... WHAT?!! are you kidding me? who have we ticked off? by all means we've got 2 year olds .... our kids aren't even old enough to make someone mad or be on the receiving end of a prank! and i don't think i've made anyone mad. geoff never has a cross word to say to anyone....surely he hasn't ticked anybody off. basically we chalked it up to a prank - or that someone got the "wrong house" - yeah right! i think it was a just a prank. but who the heck rings the doorbell and runs? i never did. i was the biggest chicken anyway and the 2 times i did go rolling - once was with my youth pastor as a joke on one of his friends and the other was with my next door neighbors' dad to roll the youth pastor and get him back. it was all in good fun, i was only in 4th or 5th grade, barely old enough to know better. i guess since i was with the youth pastor i felt "safe" and the other time, since i was with my neighbor, i knew he would protect me too. back to the story though, geoff attempted to get down all the toilet paper that he could. it is still a total eye sore though and a little bit embarrassing for whatever reason. everyone that drives by looks at it. and since it has been so nice out today, me and the girls have spent a lot of time out there and everyone who walks by makes a comment. the kids, or whoever it was, must have nerves of steel. we live right off the main street in our neighborhood, and just out of fear that someone would drive by right in the middle of tossing the 25th roll of TP (yes, they got us pretty good!), i can't believe they got us. oh well, another one for the story books as the girls have gotten a real BIG kick out of it ....."look, mommy. toil paper!" i've probably heard that no less than 500 times today between the 2 of them. its all good! not sure what kind of good it does for the FOR~SALE sign in the yard. i guess it doesn't matter to people too much ..... several have stopped to pick up flyer's today. yeah! :o)

on to the next story, geoff is out riding today. yes, since he totally took care of me and the girls friday (i had a horrible stomach virus), i gave him a pass (hee hee!) to get out of the house today. he went and picked up my dads harley and he is out riding with tray. of course, this is still somewhat new to me (and him), so i insist that he calls me when he gets to each destination. i'm such the motherly type, i know. it gives me peace of mind, and he's fine with it. whenever he rides dad's harley, that will more than likely be my request until who knows when! i don't particularly like motorcycles just for the record! geoff does though, so i guess i can "allow" it every now and then - lol! when he comes to me wanting his own, now that will be another story :o)

well, the girls are down for a nap and i must get caught up on some laundry. being out of commission on friday put me waaaaay behind!

i hope each of you are enjoying this beautiful day too! how can you not, right?!
today has been another day about family, and i thank you, Father, for the precious time you have given me with my girls and my family. i am so glad to be your child, what a privilege to be a part of your family. i pray that i care for and meet the needs of my family a tenth of the way you care for me and meet my needs. i thank you that even though i might not always seek you, you always seek me. you never leave me or forsake me! i pray blessings of health and happiness over each person reading this. may they find rest and comfort in you this week. amen!

1 comment:

Sharliss Jane Arnold said...

So thankful you have had a wonderful day, an eventful night and made some memories. I sure hope you took lots of pictures. This would be a great page in you scrapbook. Love you guys lots!