Wednesday, March 5, 2008


first, i want to thank everyone for your prayers, emails, phone calls, etc. it means SO much to be loved by all of you! i could truly feel your prayers throughout the day. i surrounded myself with prayer, praise and worship music, and scriptures of promise up until the minute i walked in the door at the doctors office and it definitely helped me to keep a positive attitude about this little bump in the road.

my doctor did an examination himself and did feel the area of suspicion that i had felt on friday. he also felt another area, same breast on the opposite side, closer to my armpit. he DOES NOT feel either lumps are abnormal - he feels both are normal, healthy breast tissue. PRAISE THE LORD!!! he did say, however, anytime you feel anything out of the ordinary, and with having a family history of breast cancer, it definitely doesn't need to be ignored. he ordered a mammogram and an ultrasound of my left breast. my mammogram is scheduled for next friday. after all i've been through with him, he said a clean bill of health and peace of mind are far more important to him than chancing it (he's the doctor who had to make the decision to do my emergency hysterectomy).

please continue to be in prayer for us this weekend and next week. as i said above, it truly makes a difference - i can feel it!

i'm mentally, physically, and emotionally DRAINED. i'm so glad today is over. i must get some sleep now.

good night friends and family,
Lord i lift your name on high! you are so true and so real and i am thankful to have witnessed that first hand today. i praise you for good reports. i thank you for this "bump in the road" as it has done nothing but allow me to grow closer to you. my peace, my comforter, my all in all .... you are simply amazing! "i can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" ..... and i thank you for giving me strength today!

1 comment:

Sharliss Jane Arnold said...

I went bodly to the Throne Room on your behalf and I love you as well. Rest, be covered with all these prayers and love. You are very important. Give those sweet girls a huge hug and that sweet man a kiss, for all of you are so special. Night Night