Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's Been a Good Day!!

Well, I don't know about you, but when I get even a few things accomplished on my "to do" list, its been a GOOD day!! While it wasn't really high on the priority list, today I did begin the long, but well worth it process of decorating for Christmas! I had the pleasure of touring 2 of the 5 homes that were on the holiday Tour of Homes here in Woodstock this past weekend and I'm now officially in holiday mode! Watch out! That, along with the fact that we'll be leaving for the beach Friday afternoon, and that its almost MID NOVEMBER, I figured it was time to start decorating. It seems like I decorate until who knows when on into December and then by the time I actually get to sit around (yeah right!) and enjoy the beautiful holiday decor, its time to take it all down!! As I said I decorate until who knows when on into December .... I say that in part so you get an idea of just how much stuff I pull out to decorate this house with for Christmas; I have no conscience and then BAM! What do ya know?? .... its time to take it all down. Well, for the first time EVER I actually had an inner voice speaking to me today saying, "remember that everything you put up must come down .... don't over due it!" I thought for a minute I would ignore that "inner voice" but I didn't! I listened! And I'm sure come January 2, I'll be glad I did. By all means, our house is on the market and you know, you're not supposed to have any "clutter" when your house is on the market (ha!)

On to other things ..... we are leaving Friday between 1 and 3pm for the beach (aka Thanksgiving break, aka vacation!!!!) Am I excited??!! Oh yeah!! We'll be going down Friday, hopefully trailing down with my niece and her beau, and then my wonderful in-laws will be meeting up with us from Memphis either late, late Friday night or sometime Saturday. I can't wait! I love the holidays! And Thanksgiving seems to kick it all off for me! Hang out all week long at the beach, big "beach style" Thanksgiving lunch Thursday, shopping frenzy on Friday, Georgia/Ga Tech game Saturday and then back to reality on Sunday. Should be good times!

So, Geoff just took the girls on a walk. Now mind you, its very dark outside at this point. I think that was his way of saying I'll help you out if you help me out! I'll take the girls for a walk if you start dinner. Not sure, thats just how I took it! And I will gladly sign off now and do just that! My husband is great!! He's always loking out for me :0)

Thank you Lord for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us today. Even in a "down market" you have still showered us with new business opportunities everday!!!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! And thank you for intervening and letting us know that YOU are still in control!!

Love to all! Hug your family and tell them you love them!

Julie and family

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fall in GA

Well, as we notoriously do here in GA .... we might have possibly skipped right from summer type weather straight on into WINTER weather! So maybe I'm a little sensitive, or not used to it yet, but I was cold all day long. ... I don't think it was that cold temperature wise, I just couldn't get warm no matter how hard I tried. So, I'm happy to announce that my entire family, Geoff included, had our pj's on by 6pm tonight! Geoff came in from work, not much arm twisting was needed, and he went up and came back down with pj's on! It just feels good to do that sometimes, ya know?

So now for the last few hours we have been watching the CMA awards. For those of you who don't listen to country music, that would stand for Country Music Awards. We have some dear friends that are actually there tonight! Wow! Can't help but be starstruck in that place tonight . Pretty good show, and it seems to me that more and more country artists are singing about and referencing the Lord in their songs. Especially Carrie Underwood and Martina McBride. They, no doubt, know their source. I love it when people give credit to my Lord and Savior!

Well I just thought I'd start this blog thing back up again! No I haven't learned how to post pictures yet, but I definitely will. I realize its been almost a year since I posted and the last time I did post, I said that I was going to learn how to post pictures. Well, here it is November, and I haven't even thought about my blog until recently. Thanks to KJ and Sharliss, I am inspired to start blogging again, more and on a consistent basis. There is so much going on around here with having two 2 year olds, but surely I can find a few minutes to update everyone!

Good night friends. I must get some rest.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!!