Thursday, March 13, 2008

mammogram tomorrow

i'm still so humbled by all the phone calls, emails, and in-person conversations i have had/received from all of yall! if i haven't expressed it enough yet ..... thank you! it truly does mean so much!

i've actually had a great week as far as not letting this get to me. i've continued to surround myself with upbeat things .... in all areas of my life. no negativity allowed here! i heard something on the radio the other day that was great, not only in this instance, but for life in general ..... life is all about attitude. its not what happens to you in life that matters, its what you do with all those "things" that happen to you that matters. well, i have chosen to make this a positive thing. finding a lump, no doubt, scared me to death. and i don't in anyway discount the severity of it because of the history of breast cancer in my family. but, i'm not going to let that "rule" me and my everyday thoughts. i have a real feeling of peace about the whole situation. i truly do.

i do ask for your prayers as i will be going in for my mammogram tomorrow. this time tomorrow i will be getting smooshed and smashed in every way possible. i can imagine as i sit waiting to go back for the mam tomorrow i will get a little nervous, so remember me at 7:45 in the morning and lift up a little prayer for peace and of course GOOD RESULTS. i appreciate all of you standing in the gap with me. this has definitely added a new chapter to my testimony, which was already good and interesting! and if that's all i can say about it at the end of the day tomorrow ..... then i'll take that ALL DAY LONG!
as i read your word this morning, i'm reminded you are a God of promises (1 kings 8), and i thank you for that. when man makes promises, they are often broken .... but not you! to be in relationship with the ultimate promise keeper ... there's nothing better! i can't humbly thank you enough for sending people down my path the past 2 weeks to minister to me. little things, comforting things that were said, emails, people i don't even know, people i do know, people who have been through something similar, people who have been through the same thing with not so good results and are fighting today - right now, people who have prayed with me, people who have even pulled their cars over on the side of the road because they felt led at that very moment to pray with me, the little testimonial book about a breast cancer survivor that goes to our church that i "just so happened" to pick up at church sunday. whatever the case may be, a lot of people have ministered to me since finding this lump. its been a great experience; an eye opening experience. and for whatever reason you were trying to get my attention, you've got it. i pray for everyone reading this blog. may my experience minister to them in some way, some form. thank you for choosing me. in your precious name....


Heather said...

Thanks for forwarding your emailing your blog link!! I am praying for you...keep us updated....mammograms are not fun, but important...keep your chin up, you know where you hope comes from:)

Elliott said...

Dear Julie,

Your mother and I will have you in our prayers tonight and in the morning. Keep your faith and know that you have many friends and family praying for you.

Please call your mother tomorrow to let her and I know how things turned out.

Go Bless you, Geoff, and the girls.


Julie said...

I am thinking about you today (Friday) and have been praying for you. I just got a card in the mail with a verse I found so comforting, "The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with his peace." Psalm 29:11

We Love You!!