Wednesday, February 27, 2008

10 random things about me!!

so ..... i've been tagged by my sweet friend, heather. my assignment is to tell all the wonderful people who read my blog 10 random things about myself. for the first time in a loooooooong time, instead of thinking/talking about my husband or my girls, i will be thinking/talking all about me for a minute! enjoy! by the way, part of the deal is that i tag 2 more people, so at the end i will do just that. will it be YOU??!! :0) here goes nothing ........

1. i am a pack rat ..... mainly with decorating stuff (ok, ok. its not only limited to decorating stuff). for those of you who know me well and visit my home regularly, you recognize this! i can't help it and and as hard as i try to rid myself of this horrible habit, i haven't been able to yet. i guess in part, i can thank my granny! she was the same way.

2. i over ananlyze things. i'm MUCH better than i used to be. now it seems i waaaaaay over analyze things when mattie and/or grace is sick. they could have a slight fever and some way, some how, i automatically turn their sickness into a terminally ill condition. i must quit doing this before i drive myself, geoff, my sister, my mom, and anyone else who will listen, crazy!

3. i long for the day i can go on a missions trip. i think, unless the Lord has a different idea, i will probably wait atleast a couple of more years until the girls are a little older.

4. i'm well on my way to accomplishing my new years resolution of getting organized. kudos to me, right?! ha! i'm actually very excited!

5. i love to help/encourage people anonymously. it does my soul so good!

6. i 'm not a shy person whatsoever, but i absolutely do not like speaking in front of large crowds.

7. up until the age of 10 or 11 (? i think) i was a major tomboy. i lived in a relatively small neighborhood. us girls (3 of us) were way outnumbered by the boys. hence the reason i was a tomboy?

8. i'm easily spooked. i don't like to stay at home overnight by myself. as well, spiders and snakes scare the you know what out of me. as a matter of fact, every time before i put my shoes on, i shake them to make sure there isn't a spider in them.

9. i tend to get a little angry when people are driving slow in the left hand lane. actually i get a lot angry!

10. i started this blog thing a little over a year ago and honestly didn't know how well i would like it or how often i would update it. turns out i do like it, and as you can see, of late, i've really been trying hard to update it frequently. its sort of a diary for me too, so i hope i never give TMI (ha!) or offend anyone! thats never my intent!

ahhh! that was actually a little harder than i thought it would be. i'm sure when i'm not under pressure, i'll think of more randomness. if i do, i'll post it as it comes to me.

for my "tag your it", i'm going to bend the rules and choose more than 2 people. i tag my sister, laura; my best friend, bonnie; my husband, geoff; my cousin, julie hedden; and my friend christy - thats you mcnew! c. lauderdale i'd love to hear your list of random things too if you want to do this as well! for those of you i just tagged, if you don't have a blog, email me your list and i'll copy and paste it on my blog. if i didn't tag you and you want to give it a whirl, go for it.

have fun making your list :0)

love to all of you this night!



Heather said...

good ones...loved reading these.
I can relate to the desire for missions...but we'll make sure you go to a country with a low people to spider ratio!

Sharliss Jane Arnold said...

Great job! Loved "getting to know" you a little deeper. Cannot wait to read Geoff's. I am sure he could fill a page. Tell him he must do this or he will have to send a list to me! Hope you guys have a great day.

I Like Eggs said...

Regarding your # 5:
You have an incredible gift of encouraging folks. Can't express in mere words how much your encouragement has meant to the girls & me. Love ya, David

Truan Family said...

now that i am moved to tears, thank you, david! i've never had anyone tell me that :0) love you guys!

Truan Family said...

now that i am moved to tears, thank you, david! i've never had anyone tell me that :0) love you guys!